Activity | Responsible for: * management and administration of nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and polytechnics * management of two boarding schools outside London (Woolverstone Hall, Ipswich and Crown Woods School, Eltham) * management of two Rural Centres at Marchant's Hill and Sayers Croft in Surrey, summer camp at Swanage, Dorset and mountain centre at Tyn-y-Berth, Wales * management of special schools and hospital schools for children with disabilities including the blind, partially sighted, deaf, partially hearing, physically disabled, delicate, maladjusted, autistic, those with speech defects and the educationally subnormal * running the Education Welfare Service, a partnership between social workers and school care workers * running a Careers Service for secondary school and college students * offering financial assistance to students in further education * management of Adult Education and Literary Institutes offering evening classes * management of Youth Centres and the Recreational Institute for young people aged 14-20, and liaison with the London Youth Committee * co-ordination of the teaching service including management of teacher-training colleges, support for further career development training and secondment of teachers to posts overseas * management of non-teaching staff * supply of books, teaching materials, equipment and furniture * management of land and buildings including building programme to modernise older school buildings * management of Media Resources Centre, a library of slides, film strips, audio tapes, slide presentations, work cards, packs, and overhead projector transparencies, and development of new teaching materials * running the Educational Television Service, providing programmes for schools and colleges * running a library service in schools and colleges, and the ILEA Library at County Hall which provided an advisory service and a loan collection for teachers * aiding the London Schools Drama Association and the London Schools Music Association * maintenance of playing fields, boat-houses and swimming pools * running the Research Department to provide a comprehensive central statistical service for the education service and conducting and supporting research into education matters * administration of two museums, the Horniman in Forest Hill and the Geffrye in Hackney * maintenance of fleet of school buses, used to take disabled children to school and to take school children on educational visits * provision of School Heath Service providing free medical inspections and some free treatment for schoolchildren; also provided speech therapy, child guidance, nursing services at special and boarding schools, physiotherapy, hygiene inspections and audiometric testing * provision of school meals through the Catering Branch. |