Description | Based on Anthony Burgesses novel of the title 'A Clockwork Orange' charts the mid-late teenage years of Alex. The book and film are set in the near future and offer a dystopic view of that future through language and landscape mapping, as well as the actions of its characters. The book and film uses two dialects, English and Nadsat. Nadsat is spoken by the teenage characters and helps to give them their identity as disenfranchised youth, the Nadsat draws from many European dialects especially Slavic and Russian, in also using Shakespearian construction in parts. Musical backdrop is also key to the book and the film both through the tastes of the characters and as a device for control/emotional response.
As well as directing the film Kubrick also: wrote the screenplay; produced the film; and it is commonly held, acted as un-credited cinematographer and main publicist. Released, 13 Jan 1972.
Material includes research, awards, production paperwork, publicity and press cuttings, correspondence, promotional material and press campaigns, audiovisual material, advertising designs/layouts/campaigns, still photographs, set photographs and props.