
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberSK/16/4/2/21
DescriptionThe file contains a chart: dialogue in English; back translation comments; Taiwan translation comments; Hong Kong translation comments; and notes. The comments relate to the accuracy of the translation [duplicate of SK/16/4/2/20].

Also in the file is: a review of the film with cover letter to Kubrick from Kimball Liang, Warner Brothers, 7 Apr 1988; admission receipts for the nationwide release, Mar-Apr 1988; letters to Kubrick from Liang, Warner Brothers, 1 Apr 1988 regarding newspaper advertising space and advertising script for radio; copy of the advert; and information on the advertising/publicity budget and schedule.
TermCreative writing
Extent1 file.
CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/1Kubrick; Stanley (1928-1999); Film-maker, director, producer, cinematographer, photographer1928-1999
DS/UK/159Warner Brothers Productions Limited; 1918-1918-
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