
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberSK/16/4/5/2
TitleAdvertising layouts
DescriptionThe file contains boards where text and artwork have been cut out and pasted to create design layouts for posters. Some are labelled and others have notes for example, on their proposed use or size, or are annotated A etc to show different layouts versions for the same advert. The adverts evidence a campaign in the UK for cheap preview showings. The file includes the 'basic layout' agreed by Kubrick. There are also print outs of the completed layouts and a copy of the 'strip' advert for news papers.

Please note, that some layouts are from after the first run of advertising as they refer to previous advertising copy.
Extent1 oversized file and 1 file..
CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/1Kubrick; Stanley (1928-1999); Film-maker, director, producer, cinematographer, photographer1928-1999
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