
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberSK/17/1/2/2
TitleRhapsody Short Concept
DescriptionFile correspondence between 'Gaby Blau' and Stanley Kubrick and two typed copys of a short concept for Rhapsody written by 'Gaby'. The two concepts are identical but one is bound and the other is loose. The concept proposes an adaptation of Traumnovelle which is set in 1960's London but original character names are the same. The filed correspondence includes: A letter from 'Gaby Blau' on Warner Bros headed paper to Stanley Kubrick stating that his dad thought he should send it to Kubrick, letter is dated 4 August 1976; A draft letter responding to Gaby's letter fro Kubrick with handwritten corrections, dated 14 August 1976; And a final copy of the letter sent as response to Gaby's original letter where Kubrick rejects the concept, dated 16 August 1976.
Date4 - 16 Aug 1976
CreatorGaby Blau
Stanley Kubrick
Extent1 Folder
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