
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberSK/19/1/2/4
DescriptionInterviews for the documentary conducted with Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers, Danny Lloyd, Mr. Jim Lloyd and Mrs. Ann Lloyd, Danny Lloyd's parents, recorded in a variety of media: typewritten transcripts, video cassettes (interviews are numbered 1-20 in a series of 96 video cassettes), audio cassettes, and audio reels. All interviews except Jack Nicholson's were conducted by Leon Vitali, Kubrick's personal assistant. The typewritten transcripts of interviews comprise a variety of takes and of stages of editing; different numbers of pages may occur, with few files containing a complete interview. Subseries also includes two audio reels and seven audio cassettes containing interviews in which the interviewee is not indicated.

NOTE: The following is sitting on shelf due to large size: three files taped together with sellotape, files marked 'Shelley I/V Original', 'Jack I/V Original', and 'Scatman I/V Original'. (2j, loc code 277)
Extent9 boxes and 3 loose files of typewritten transcripts, 20 video cassettes, 17 audio cassettes, 42 audio reels - paper, video cassettes, audio cassettes, audio reels
CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/122Vitali; Leon (1948-)1948-
DS/UK/1Kubrick; Stanley (1928-1999); Film-maker, director, producer, cinematographer, photographer1928-1999
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