RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberCLP/1/1/2
TitleNewspaper samples and articles on printing and the Second World War
DescriptionNewspaper samples 1748-1982 (The London Gazette 1805, Notificazione, Herald Tribune 1974, The Times 1982, The Sunday Times 1822, the Aberdeen's Journal 1747), postcards from libraries, newspaper articles related to England's printing industry and printing methods ("The Teaching of Art", "Size of Print", "Typography Means More than Layout" and "Some Notes on the British Typogrqphical Reformation 1919-1939" by Beatrice Warde, "The Calotype Process", "The Art of Photogenic Drawing), newspaper articles and pamphlets related to the impact of the Second World War on English train routes ("Where Flying Bombs Fell in West Kent and East Sussex", "The Battle of Britain: An Air Ministry Account of the Great Days from 8th August-31st October 1940", "The Battle of Britain August-October 1940"), postcards from libraries.
CreatorPickering, Charles London, 1908-1998.
Extent1 box file

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DS/UK/453Pickering; Charles London (1908-1998)1908-1998
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