
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoSK/17
TitleEyes Wide Shut
DescriptionEyes Wide Shut (1999) is based on the novella Traumnovelle by Arthur Schnizler. Kubrick directed and co-wrote the film; he died shortly after editing it. As Kubrick's normal practice was to continue editing right up to the last minute, some believe the final result may have been different from that released. Starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, while they were still married, as Dr and Mrs Harford. The story revolves around concepts of dreams and reality.

Material held includes; production paperwork, cutting notes, accounts, distribution material, publicity and reviews, research, scripts, art department research material and photographs, properties, advertising campaigns, set photographs and slides.
Related MaterialThere is correspondence about extending the option for making a film from the novella Traumnovella amongst the Barry Lyndon Production Costings: SK/14/3/15
Access ConditionsSome material is closed to the public.
CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/1Kubrick; Stanley (1928-1999); Film-maker, director, producer, cinematographer, photographer1928-1999
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