
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberSK/15/9/15
DescriptionMiscellaneous papers related to the process of making The Shining. Includes such items as a request for plans of the 'Moon Bus' from '2001', letter from National Geographic writer to Arthur C. Clarke asking Clarke to pass on to Kubrick a novel by another National Geographic contributor in hopes that Kubrick might film it, letters of receipt, thank-you letters, a copy of '35/70, the Journal of the Feature Film Industry' intimating that Stage 3 at EMI was burnt down due to filming requirements for The Shining and a letter from Douglas Twiddy demanding a printed apology and retraction, sign-in sheets for crew members for the use of Wellington boots, replies to requests to view the set, correspondence on items needed and their costs, material on unions, costs of film developing, materials regarding licencing clips for use in film, memos to crew, and more.
Extent2 files - paper
Access ConditionsBox 3/5
CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/112Twiddy; Douglas (1919-1990)1919-1990
DS/UK/15Clarke; Arthur C (1917-2008); Author and inventor1917-2008
DS/UK/1Kubrick; Stanley (1928-1999); Film-maker, director, producer, cinematographer, photographer1928-1999
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