Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse SK - Stanley Kubrick ArchiveSK - Stanley Kubrick Archive
Expand 1 - General Business and Personal Materials1 - General Business and Personal Materials
Expand 2 - Look Magazine2 - Look Magazine
3 - Mr. Lincoln
Expand 4 - Documentary Shorts4 - Documentary Shorts
Expand 5 - Fear and Desire5 - Fear and Desire
Expand 6 - Killer's Kiss6 - Killer's Kiss
Expand 7 - The Killing7 - The Killing
Expand 8 - Paths of Glory8 - Paths of Glory
Expand 9 - Spartacus9 - Spartacus
Expand 10 - Lolita10 - Lolita
Expand 11 - Dr Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb11 - Dr Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Expand 12 - 2001: A Space Odyssey12 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
Expand 13 - Clockwork Orange13 - Clockwork Orange
Expand 14 - Barry Lyndon14 - Barry Lyndon
Expand 15 - The Shining15 - The Shining
Collapse 16 - Full Metal Jacket16 - Full Metal Jacket
Expand 1 - Development1 - Development
Expand 2 - Pre-production2 - Pre-production
Expand 3 - Production3 - Production
Expand 4 - Post-production4 - Post-production
Expand 5 - Distribution5 - Distribution
Collapse 6 - Exploitation and publicity6 - Exploitation and publicity
1 - Album and single - masters
2 - Single - release copy
3 - Album - release copy
4 - Release script and Screenplay
5 - Press clipping books
6 - Press pack
7 - 'Ad[vertising] Pub[licity] budgets - Panama - Venezuela - Japan
8 - Posters
Collapse 9 - Articles and reviews9 - Articles and reviews
1 - Belgium, German and Austrian features
2 - Belgium, German and Austrian reviews
3 - Cantonese
4 - Der Spiegal
5 - English language features
6 - English language reviews
7 - French features
8 - Latin American features
9 - Latin American reviews
10 - Magazines and cuttings
11 - Miscellaneous European features and reviews
Expand 12 - Publicity miscellaneous 1980-198112 - Publicity miscellaneous 1980-1981
13 - Scandinavian features
14 - Scandinavian reviews
15 - South African and French Canadian features and reviews
16 - Stern
17 - Swiss, Spanish and Italian features
18 - Swiss, Spanish and Italian reviews
19 - The best of English language features and reviews
Collapse 20 - USA cities20 - USA cities
1 - Ads
2 - Alabama- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
3 - Alameda
4 - Alaska- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
5 - Albany
6 - Amhurst Massachusetts
7 - Arizona
8 - Arkansas- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
9 - Arlington
10 - Arlington Heights
11 - Atlanta
12 - Atlantic City New Jersey
13 - Austin
14 - Bakersfield California
15 - Baltimore
16 - Bergen
17 - Birmingham
18 - Boston
19 - Buffalo
20 - Calgary [Canada]
21 - California- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
22 - Canada- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
23 - Carolina- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
24 - Charlotte
25 - Chattanooga
26 - Chicago
27 - Cincinnati
28 - Cleveland
29 - Connecticut/ Connecticut- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
30 - Contra Costa
31 - Colorado- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
32 - Columbus
33 - Dakota- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
34 - Dallas
35 - Dalton Georgia
36 - Dayton
37 - Delaware- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
38 - Denver
39 - Deseret
40 - Detroit
41 - Edmonton
42 - East Bay
43 - England [UK]
44 - Fitchburg Massachusetts
45 - Fort Lauderdale
46 - Florida- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
47 - Fort Worth
48 - Fresno
49 - Georgia- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
50 - Georgia State
51 - Greenwich
52 - Grosse Point
53 - Hamilton
54 - Hartford
55 - Haywood
56 - Holyoake Massachusetts
57 - Houston
58 - Idaho- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
59 - Illinois- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
60 - Independent publications
61 - Indiana- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
62 - Indianapolis
63 - Iowa- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
64 - Irving
65 - Jacksonville
66 - Kansas City
67 - Kentucky- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
68 - Kitchener/Waterloo [Canada]
69 - Los Angeles
70 - Louisiana- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
71 - Maine- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
72 - Maryland- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
73 - Massachusetts- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
74 - Michigan- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
75 - Minnesota- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
76 - Missouri- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
77 - Nebraska- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
78 - Nevada- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
79 - New England- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
80 - New Haven- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
81 - New Jersey- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
82 - New York- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
83 - Oklahoma- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
84 - Ohio- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
85 - Oregon- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
86 - Philadelphia- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
87 - Rhode Island- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
88 - Ten[n]essee- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
89 - Texas- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
90 - USA cities - unclassified
91 - Utah- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
92 - Video
93 - Virginia- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
94 - Washington DC- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
95 - Washington State- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
96 - Wisconsin- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
97 - Wyoming- listings/ repeat [reviews]/ bad reviews
21 - Indonesia
22 - Publications
23 - The Hollywood Reporter - Ads
24 - National Coalition on Television Violence
Expand 10 - Advertisements - placement monitoring10 - Advertisements - placement monitoring
11 - Interview transcripts
12 - Review transcripts
13 - Review quotes
14 - Review response
15 - TV and radio spots
16 - Radio spot cassettes
Expand 7 - Responses and awards7 - Responses and awards
Expand 8 - Indexed papers and letters8 - Indexed papers and letters
Expand 9 - Photographs and slides9 - Photographs and slides
Expand 10 - Financial and legal papers10 - Financial and legal papers
11 - Audio visual material
Expand 12 - Correspondence12 - Correspondence
Expand 17 - Eyes Wide Shut17 - Eyes Wide Shut
Expand 18 - Unfinished Projects18 - Unfinished Projects
Expand 19 - Documentaries19 - Documentaries