
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoTE/1/9/v
TitleCentral Line Extensions
DescriptionPoster advertising the extension of the Central Line: 'CENTRAL LINE' in black text and 'EXTENSIONS' in red text runs at the footer.

The image is of a weather cock, one arm is in red with the names of new stations coming off of it in black and the other arm and main pole is in black with a brown and red base that appears as if sponged and has the London Transport logo on it in black outline. The cockerel is in gradients of red and black, from his mouth is black text reading 'OPEN NOV 21'. The image is on an oval of pale blue sky with white boarder. On the verso it is signed in pen with the letters L.P.T.B beneath.

Measures 101.5cm by 63.5cm.

Printed by Waterlow & Sons Ltd. Colour Lithograph.
CreatorTom Eckersley
Underground trains
Extent1 item

Show related Persons records.

CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/47Eckersley; Tom (1914-1997); Graphic designer and educator1914-1997
DS/UK/70Transport for London; Management company
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