
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberSK/12/2/3/3
DescriptionLetters, photographs and copies of news stories concerning the use of the IBM electronic newspad by the astronauts in the Discovery ship. Included are pictures of the pad as well as the typeface of the New York Times [NYT] and one showing it to be the Times's electronic edition. There is also correspondence between Irvin Taubkin, the NYT's promotion director, and Roger Caras, on the use of the typeface. Also included is an annotated list of the stories to appear on the pad along with copies of letters from Caras to a number of publications asking if they would would allow themselves to be represented on it. There are also 12 copies of a story about the world's last Grizzly Bear dying in Cincinnati Zoo, along with copies of letters from Caras to publications asking if they want to make use of this particular story, with regard to the world's wildlife situation.
Date10 Dec 1965-6 Jan 1966
Extent2 folders
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