RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberBW/1/1/6
TitleReader Reports H
DescriptionCorrespondence and reader reports from the BBC Scripts Unit, on potential adaptations of works of fiction. The majority of the correspondence is between staff at the Script unit including Martin Lisemore, Lennox Philips and Betty Willingale

This file contains works where the original author's surname begins with H.

It includes:

[Adaptation of the life of Thomas Paine with John Hale discussed as the writer]
Radclyffe Hall, Adam's Breed
Patrick Hamilton, West Pier
John Hampson, various works discussed including: Strip Jack Naked, Saturday Night at the Greyhound, Care of The Grand, A Bag of Stones
Thomas Hardy
Jaroslav Hašek, The Good Soldier Schweik (Švejk)
John Hawkesworth
O. Henry
Georgette Heyer, These Old Shades
Ken Hill, Phantom of the Opera
Homer, The Odyssey
Elizabeth Jane Howard, After Julius
Aldous Huxley, various works discussed including: Crome Yellow, Antic Hay, Brave New World, Time Must Have a Stop

The writers of the reports include:
Richard O'Keeffe
Arnold Hinchliffe
Paula Milne
Datec 1970s-1980s
CreatorBetty Willingale
Extent1 folder

Show related Persons records.

CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/514Hinchliffe; Arnold (fl 1970s); Writerfl 1970s
DS/UK/517Lisemore; Martin Arnold (Jul 1939 - 3 Feb 1977); Television producerJul 1939 - 3 Feb 1977
DS/UK/502Willingale; Betty (1927-2021); Script Editor, Television Producer1927-2021
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