RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberLCA/2/9/2
Descriptiono GOLD parts and Sketches, LC01133
o The Gold Diggers Scores Book 1, LC01134
o Gold, LC01135
o The Golddiggers, LC01136
o The Golddiggers, LC01137
o The Golddiggers Parts and sketches, LC01138
o Gold Digger Walzes, LC01139
o Bankers Song, LC01140
o Bankers Song part, LC01141
o Song of the Hard Pressed Banker aka. Bankers Song, LC01142
o Iceland Part, LC01143
o Empire Song, LC01144
o Empire Song, LC01145
o Theatre
o Song of the Shirt
o Song of the Shirt
o Cholera; Canal Train
o Cholera
o Cholera
o Homage aux Dames (possibly)
o Women's Wrongs
o Women's Wrongs - parts for Bassoon and Oboe.
o Women's Wrongs - parts for flute
o Melodrama
o Melodrama for Sopranino Sax
o A Young Lady's Vision
o The Charter
o Untitled Golddigers Sketch
o Dress fitting section - Waltz
o Scene 1 - unknown piece for guitar and electric guitar.
o The Charterist Anthem
o Exhibition of Fashions; Le Republique des Paysans
o Chartist Anthem; Stitch Goes the Needle
o Stitch Goes the Needle
o General Strike, LC01274
o Lots of Larks lyrics, LC01275
o Lots of Larks
o Lots of Larks and Violin Line
o Bankers Song, LC01272
o Empire Song lyrics, LC01273
CreatorLindsay Cooper
Extent39 items
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