Description | Annotated: 3rd year students 1982/83. Signature, to indicate your presence in the school. 1. Bagnoli, Maria - 2.2 57 57, 2.2 2. Ball, Allen - 2.1/1 62, 61, 2.1 3. Becketter, Sian - 2.2 62, 61, 2.1 4. Cartwright, Janet - 2.1/1 69 69, 1 5. Cross, Alison - 2.1 70 70, 1 6. Dilnot, John - 1 73 72, 1 7. Fox, Margaret - 2.1 63 62, 2.1 8. Gillet, Angela - 2.2/2.1 63 63, 2.1 9. Goodman, Catherine - 2.1/1 69 69 70, 1 10. Scribbled out 11. Horwell, Peter - 2.1 low pink 62 60 64, 2.1 12. Jones, Marilyn - 2.1 high 64 6. 68, 2.1 13. Scribbled out 14. Lloyd, Vincent - 2.1 63 66, 2.1 15. Macilraith, William - 2.1 65 63, 2.1 16. Manthey, Priscilla - 2.2/2.1 58 61, 2.1 17. McSweeney, John - 2.1 68, 2.1 18. Scribbled out 19. Murray, Elisabeth - 2.1 64 64, 2.1 20. Peters, Richard - 2.2-2.1 58 60, 2.2 21. Scribbled out 22. Pleydell-Bcuveries, Grania - 2.1 59 60, 2.2 23. Scribbled out 24. Simon, Gail - 2.1/1 63 67, 2.1 25. Skikier, David - 2.1/1 70 69, 2.1 26. Smith, Donald - 2.1 67, 2.1 27. Stanton, Timothy -3/2.2 56, 2.2 28. Threlsfall, Victoria - 2.1/1 68, 2.1 29. Wardlaw, Val - 2.1/1 6 66, 2.1 30. Wright, Patricia - 2.2-2.1 63, 2.1 31. Wright, Timothy - 55 55, 2.2 32. Wylie Partricia - 2.2-2.1 Drawing -27- 57 57. |