
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberHN/2/1/5/1
TitleReverse Karaoke
DescriptionReverse Karaoke, was a collaborative installation by Kim Gordon and Jutta Koether that consisted of a painted Yurt style tent housing a lo-fi rehearsal set-up with guitar, microphone, bass, and drums and a basic PA system. Participants were invited to play the instruments and record their own music along to a prerecorded
vocal track of Kim Gordon's voice and then to design record sleeves for each of the 2 CD copies that were made. One copy of the CD became part of the piece itself and for the duration of the exhibition these were displayed in a record box, The other CD was given to the participant to take home.
Included in the documentation are 1495 recordings created by participants of the installation with their accompanying artwork. Sound checks and Gordon's backing vocals, mixing desk instructions, equipment settings and operation manuals as well as the tent material for the yurt, fabric samples and ink stamps made available for the design of the record covers can be located in this file.
CreatorKim Gordon & Jutta Koether
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