
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberHN/2/4/1/3
TitleHer Noise Radio *3/6
DescriptionHER NOISE radio3/6 30th November 2005 16.30.gmt
1. intro
2. Kim Gordon talking about improvisation at Tate Modern 10/11/05
3. field recordings in South London Gallery - felt tips, plasticine & the tent 25/11/05
4. Kim talking about improvisation at Tate Modern 10/11/05
5. Members of Marina Rosenfeld's Emotional Orchestra improvising in the tent 26/11/05
6. Jutta Koether talking about collaboration at Tate Modern 10/11/05
7. extract from Emotional Orchestra by Marina Rosenfeld at Tate Modern 23/09/05
8. reading words by Marina Rosenfeld about Emotional Orchestra, bowing & improvisation
9. extract from performance by Margarita Gluzberg in response to Hayley Newman's MiniFlux
list 26/11/05
10.extract from performance by Anne Bean in response to Hayley Newman's MiniFlux list
Date30th November 2005
CreatorMelanie Clifford
Extent1 item, aiff file
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