
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberHN/2/4/1/5
TitleHer Noise Radio *5/6
Descriptionplaylist for HER NOISE radio 5/6, broadcast 14th December 2005 16:30 - 16:45 gmt
This HER NOISE radio programme was based around work made by Creative Routes artists in sound art workshops, organised by Rachel Anderson at SLG, & led by Isa Suarez & Melanie Clifford.
1. intro
2. bass guitar loop from Reverse Karaoke aka The Automatic Music Tent by Kim Gordon & Jutta
Koether 10/12/05
3. It's not 7 minutes for HER NOISE is
4. Hiz Noise by Will Bell
5. Listen to the Voices by Dozzy Angel
6. Rubber Band by Eponymous
7. Trouser Ambience (Hypno-Pants) by Pete McDonald
8. Appointment by Alison Geddes
9. Rhythm Just Flows by Lincoln Nurse
10.In The Tongue by GemSarah Tonin
11. conversation with Creative Routes & others at We're Alive, Let's Meet by Emma Hedditch
Date14th December 2005
CreatorMelanie Clifford
Extent1 item
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