
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberSK/14/2/5/2
TitleWardrobe - Costs and Orders
DescriptionReports, lists and letters concerning orders for, and costs of, costumes. Included are details of payments to costumiers Bermans Limited of London for the supply of costumes, a list of costumes needed for the film, a letter to Mary's Models Limited of Stoke Newington confirming an order for the making of 200 French military uniforms, arrangements for actors to undergo wardrobe fittings and a translated letter from an Italian supplier confirming the hiring out of 222 pairs of shoes. Also included is a costume breakdown list showing the estimated number of costumes required overall, as well as details of the clothes needed by each character.
Date6 Jun 1973-16 Aug 1973
Extent1 box
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