
RepositoryChelsea College of Art and Design
Ref NoCCAD/1/2/1/100
Title1967 Diploma in Painting Degree Show Slide - [S Parkinson]
Description35mm colour slide of two identical drawings of an armless and topless man wearing a hat and half-striped half plain trousers, there is a moon to the left of his shoulder. The drawing on the left is a black and white version to the drawing on the right. Duplicate of slide CCAD/1/2/1/151, an alternative version is found in slide CCAD/1/3/3/4 which is labelled 'S Parkinson'. Date stamp 'Aug 67'.
CreatorS Parkinson
Art education
Photographic slides
Extent1 slide
Access ConditionsThe Chelsea College of Art Degree Show Slides have been digitised and are available on the UAL Digital Special Collections site.
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