
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberHF/2/3/19
Title'First Promenade Programme' photographic facsimile
Description'A photographic facsimile of the Programme of the opening night of the First Season of Sir Henry Wood's Promenade Concerts', which took place on 10 August 1895. Includes details of the muscians who performed, the organisers, the location, song lyrics, the programme for the following Monday and advertisements. The programme consists of four printed sides in black and white, with a section of red text on the first page, which indicates that this is a copy, sold for one shilling to raise money for the Henry Wood Proms Jubilee Fund. Orginally printed by Baines and Scarsbrook, South Hamstead, London.
Extent1 item

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CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/468Foss; Hubert (1899-1953); Editor, pianist, composer, printer, critic and broadcaster1899-1953
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