
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoHF/3/1/35
TitleThirty-third Dinner Menu and Placecard
DescriptionThe menu and Hubert Foss' handwritten placecard for the 33rd Double Crown Club Dinner, chaired by Frank Sidgwick and held at the Cafe Royal on 14 April 1932. The menu was designed by BE Nicolls and printed at the Curwen Press. It consists of four printed sides and contains a note that there will be no paper or discussion.
DateApril 1932
CreatorCleverdon, Douglas
TermDouble Crown Club
Extent2 Items

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CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/468Foss; Hubert (1899-1953); Editor, pianist, composer, printer, critic and broadcaster1899-1953
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