
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoHF/3/1/57
TitleFifty-third Dinner Menus and Placecard
DescriptionTwo copies of the menu and Hubert Foss' handwritten placecard for the 53rd Double Crown Club Dinner, which was chaired by Hubert Foss and held in the hall of Exeter College, Oxford on 10 January 1936. After the dinner members and their guests saw an exhibition of Dr Johnson's collection in 'The Sanctuary of Printing' at the University Press. The menu was designed by Basil Blackwell 'from type formerly usede by Henry W. Taunt' and printed at the Modern Press, Oxford. It has three printed sides.
DateJanuary 1936
CreatorBlackwell, Basil
TermDouble Crown Club
Related MaterialHF/3/1/?
Extent3 Items

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CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/468Foss; Hubert (1899-1953); Editor, pianist, composer, printer, critic and broadcaster1899-1953
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