
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoHF/3/1/9
TitleSeventh Dinner Menu and Invitation
DescriptionThe menu and invitation for the seventh Double Crown Club Dinner, which was chaired by Holbrook Jackson and held on 24 February 1926 at Kettner's Restaurant. The invitation includes a note that the selection of books and 'biblia a-biblia' (non-books in book form) published in 1925 would be submitted for the ballot deciding which were to be 'crowned'. The menu includes a list of the books submitted and a list of dinners held during the year 1924-1925. The menu designer was George Wren Howard, for whom it was printed at the Chiswick Press. The menu consists of six printed pages within a green paper cover, with a title page design drawn by Percy Smith.
DateFebruary 1926
CreatorHoward, George Wren
TermDouble Crown Club
Extent2 items

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