
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Reference NumberHN/1/3
DescriptionThe Administration sub-series contains the various funding applications that were researched and submitted, those that were successful and those that were unsuccessful. There is extensive funding documentation, including detailed developments of budgets, artist contracts and applications. The final proposal for the Her Noise project, developed over a period of four years, is contained here. The proposal archive contains the drafts that were included in the final proposal that was adapted for each different application. Initial ideas for screening programs, the proposed collaboration with The Other Woman project and the Banff New Media residency application can all be traced in this file. Also included is the application made by Electra on behalf of Hayley Newman for her MiniFluxinstallation, one of the five main installations all commissioned by Electra.
CreatorLina Dzuverovic & Anne Hilde Neset
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