
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoTE/1/2/1
Title'Please pack parcels very carefully'
DescriptionThe file contains a series of four posters featuring the slogan 'Please pack parcels very carefully', the campaign ran between the winters of 1957-1959. There is also a fifth featuring the slogan 'properly packed parcels please' advertising leaflets on packing, c1957-1959, mounted.

Each one has the same layout but with a different central motif: a broken porcelain cat with red flowers on it; a broken porcelain dog with black spots; a broken porcelain pig with green ivy leaves on it; a broken porcelain mug, in the style of the Staffordshire characters mug; and a girl holding a dolly. Each broken item has a tear drop falling and sits in parcel paper and string, except TE/1/2/1 which has no tears but a smile to imply safe delivery. The background colours also vary (in the same order as above): forest green; red; magenta; lime green; and olive green. The background has the appearance of brush strokes, except for TE/1/2/1v which is solid colour. Shading has been used to highlight portions of the central designs, except for TE/1/2/1v. All the text is in white with Eckersley's signature and the 'GPO' trademark in the bottom right hand corner (except TE/1/2/1i where it is in the left and TE/1/2/1v where there is no logo). All measure, 73.5cm by 92cm. TE/2/2i printed by W&S Ltd, all others by J&Co Ltd.
Related MaterialImages: 019; 097; 020; 021.





Extent5 items.
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CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/47Eckersley; Tom (1914-1997); Graphic designer and educator1914-1997
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