
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoTE/1/22/3
TitlePrevent Loose Heads
DescriptionThe slogan is in two parts, the first is diagonal to the left of the image and the second part is diagonal to the right of the images and reads, 'INSPECT DAILY'. Text is in black apart from inspect, which is in grey. The image is a hammer who's head has come away, the hammer is shaded black and greys. An orb of coral is behind the hammer at the point where the head is separated. The background colour is white. Measures, 75.5cm by 45.5cm. Printed by, Loxley Bros Ltd.
TermGraphic design
Health and safety at work
Accident prevention
Related MaterialImage: 155.


Extent1 item.
Access ConditionsOnly the digital image can be accessed, for preservation reasons.

Show related Persons records.

CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/59Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
DS/UK/51Ministry of Labour and National Service; 1939-19591939-1959
CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/47Eckersley; Tom (1914-1997); Graphic designer and educator1914-1997
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