
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoTE/1/4/4/v
Title'begin saving for me'
DescriptionPoster designed by Tom Eckersley, advertising the Post Office Savings Bank. Features the slogan 'begin saving for me'.

Image has a photographic picture of a child's face in black and white. The child's face is in the middle of a pink cake graphic with an orange candle indicating a first birthday. Some of the cake is semi-translucent and overlaps the photograph.

Eckersley's signature features in the top right corner.

Measures 49cm by 74cm.
CreatorTom Eckersley
Extent1 item

Show related Persons records.

CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/47Eckersley; Tom (1914-1997); Graphic designer and educator1914-1997
DS/UK/58Post Office Savings Bank; 1861-19691861-1969
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