
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoTE/4/2/7/ii
Title'Good mornings begin with Gillette'
DescriptionAdvert for Gillette with the slogan 'Good mornings begin with Gillette'. The design features a hairless poodle is smiling whilst the hairy poodle is frowning. There are also black and white adverts for razors with the same slogan but one featuring two rabbits, one with and one without whiskers, and the second two hippos, one with and one without whiskers.
CreatorTom Eckersley
TermGraphic design (Typography)
Extent1 item

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CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/47Eckersley; Tom (1914-1997); Graphic designer and educator1914-1997
DS/UK/95Gillette; 1901-; Grooming company1901-
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