
RepositoryUniversity Archives and Special Collections Centre
Ref NoTE/1/2/1/iv
Title'Please pack parcels very carefully'
DescriptionInstructional poster designed by Tom Eckersley for the General Post Office. Poster shows a broken ceramic figure, in the shape of a cat, in open wrapping, against a turquoise background. The blue and white ceramic cat figure is decorated with red flowers, turquoise ears and eyes. The ceramic cat figure is shedding a single crying tear. The poster slogan advises on the careful packing of parcels to avoid breakages.
CreatorTom Eckersley
TermPostal services
Graphic design
Extent1 item

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CodeView related Person's recordsDates
DS/UK/47Eckersley; Tom (1914-1997); Graphic designer and educator1914-1997
DS/UK/55General Post Office; 1660-19691660-1969
DS/UK/57Post Office; 1969-1969-
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