Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse CB - Comic Book CollectionCB - Comic Book Collection
1 - Omar Faruq Collection
Expand 2 - Nicholas Pollard Collection2 - Nicholas Pollard Collection
Expand 3 - University of Sheffield Collection3 - University of Sheffield Collection
Expand 4 - Andrew McSteen Collection4 - Andrew McSteen Collection
Collapse 5 - Anthologies and Reference Material5 - Anthologies and Reference Material
Expand 1 - Marvel Masterworks1 - Marvel Masterworks
2 - The Encyclopedia of Cartooning Techniques
3 - The Art of Jack Kirby
4 - The International Book of Comics
5 - Good Girl Art
6 - The Encyclopedia of American Comics
7 - Marvel: Five Fabulous Decades of the World's Greatest Comics
8 - Super Duper Supermen!
9 - Nostalgia About Comics
10 - The Comic Book in America
11 - DC Comics: Sixty Years of the World's Favorite Comic Book Heroes
Expand 12 - The Photo-Journal Guide to Comic Books12 - The Photo-Journal Guide to Comic Books
Expand 13 - Greatest DC Series 13 - Greatest DC Series
Expand 14 - The Comic-Book Book14 - The Comic-Book Book
15 - Comic Book Heroes of the Screen
16 - Superboy and Superpup: The Lost Videos
Expand 17 - The Taylor History of Comics17 - The Taylor History of Comics
Expand 18 - The Golden Age of Marvel Comics18 - The Golden Age of Marvel Comics
19 - Captain America: War and Remembrance
Expand 21 - Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups21 - Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team-Ups
Expand 22 - Batman: Two-Face Strikes Twice!22 - Batman: Two-Face Strikes Twice!
Expand 23 - The Golden Age23 - The Golden Age
Collapse 24 - JSA: The Liberty File24 - JSA: The Liberty File
Expand 25 - Marshal Law: Super Babylon25 - Marshal Law: Super Babylon
26 - DC 2000: Book One
27 - Superman: Speeding Bullets
28 - Tales of Suspense
Expand 29 - Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special29 - Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special
30 - Batman: The Killing Joke
31 - Phantom Lady
32 - Comic Books and America 1945 - 1954
33 - Comic Book Movies
34 - The Incredible Internet Guide to Comic Books and Superheroes
35 - The Superhero Illustrated Guidebook: A Review of Classic Superhero Television Series
36 - Superman on Television
37 - Tales of the Dark Knight: Batman's First Fifty Years: 1939 - 1989
38 - The Encyclopedia of Super Villains
39 - The Atlas of the DC Universe
Expand 40 - The Adventures of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty40 - The Adventures of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty
41 - The Elektra Saga
42 - The Official Golden-Age Hero and Heroine Directory
43 - Valkyrie
44 - Blue Bolt
45 - The Adventures of The Fly
46 - The Shield: America's 1st Patriotic Comic Book Hero
47 - Watchmen
48 - The Great Women Superheroes
Expand 49 - Batman: The Dailies49 - Batman: The Dailies
50 - The Encyclopedia of Animated Cartoons
51 - The Encyclopedia of Superheroes
52 - The Adventures of Superman
53 - Superman: The Complete History
54 - Batman: The Sunday Classics 1943 - 46
55 - Batman: The Official Book of the Movie
56 - Batman Returns: The Official Movie Book
57 - Superman: The Sunday Classics 1939 to 1943
58 - Superman: The Dailies 1939 to 1942
59 - All in Color for a Dime
60 - Collector's Guide to Comic Books
61 - Comic Book Culture: An Illustrated History
62 - The Comic Book Makers
63 - The Collected Jack Kirby Collector: Volume 2
Expand 64 - The Complete Jack Kirby64 - The Complete Jack Kirby
65 - The Jack Kirby Treasury: Volume 2
66 - Shock SuspenStories: Volume One
Expand 67 - Tales From the Crypt67 - Tales From the Crypt
Expand 68 - Miracleman68 - Miracleman
Expand 69 - The Punisher and Captain America: Blood and Glory69 - The Punisher and Captain America: Blood and Glory
70 - The First Ever Marvel Comics
71 - The Simon and Kirby Classic: Fighting American
72 - The Power of Shazam
73 - The Sandman: The Doll's House
74 - Superman: Infinite Crisis
75 - Robin: A Hero Reborn
76 - The Return of Superman
Expand 77 - History of the DC Universe77 - History of the DC Universe
78 - Secret Origins
79 - Batman: In Darkest Knight
80 - Batman: The Last Angel
81 - Batman: Full Circle
82 - Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
83 - Batman: Arkham Asylum
84 - Batman: Year Two
85 - Black Angel
86 - Miss Fury
87 - Batman: Year One
Expand 88 - DC Archive Editions88 - DC Archive Editions