Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse HN - Her Noise ArchiveHN - Her Noise Archive
Expand 1 - Planning1 - Planning
Collapse 2 - Exhibition2 - Exhibition
Collapse 1 - New Commissions1 - New Commissions
Collapse 1 - The Archive1 - The Archive
Expand 1 - Original Curatorial Research: Video Interviews1 - Original Curatorial Research: Video Interviews
Expand 2 - Printed Matter2 - Printed Matter
Collapse 3 - Audio Recordings3 - Audio Recordings
1 - Joy of Fear
2 - Just Ideas
3 - Feel The Crayon
4 - Before the Liberetto
5 - The Milk-Eyed Mender
6 - Munchausen
7 - Hazel Eyes, I will lead you
8 - Alien Bog/Beautiful Soop
9 - Ghostdance
10 - Tosca Salad
11 - One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
12 - Hex Kitchen
13 - Camera Obscura
14 - Chelsea Girl
15 - Pan-Acousticon
16 - Ballads of Living and Dying
17 - St George and the Dragon In Memoriam Mr.Whitney
18 - Speaking for Trees
19 - The Raincoats
20 - Brine
21 - Live at Crystal Palace
22 - Shrei X & Shrei X Live
23 - Vena Cava
24 - Culture for Pigeon
25 - Victim of Space
26 - LiLiPUT
27 - Kidnapped by Neptune
28 - Odyshape
29 - Looking in the Shadows
30 - The Power Out
31 - Beast/Schadenfroh
32 - Eins
33 - Eat my heart out
34 - Bitches without Britches
35 - Have it all Stringed Up
36 - Have it all
37 - Le Tigre
38 - Are we not femme?
39 - Ikue Mori/ DJ Olive/ Kim Gordon
40 - A Few Steps More
41 - Socialisme
42 - The Binet-Simon Test
44 - Cut
45 - 36C
46 - The Sheer Frost Orchestra- Drop, Hop, Drone, Scratch, Slide & A for Anything
47 - Take the Fifth
48 - five ways of disappearing
49 - The Anti-Naturalists
50 - Approximately Infinite Universe
51 - Seismic
52 - rotophormen
53 - Doodles
54 - Pod
55 - title TK
56 - Moving
57 - Love, Death & the Lady
58 - Trilogie de la Mort
59 - Four Pieces
60 - Armonica
61 - Celestial Fires
62 - Sinopah
63 - Calculated
64 - Far In, Far Out
65 - Butch
66 - burnt ivory and loose wires
67 - Body Music
68 - An Electric Storm
69 - Fulcrum
70 - In Flames
71 - Primal Identity
72 - 28
73 - Soundworks
74 - theforestthegardenthesea
75 - Magnificathy - The Many Voices of
76 - River Beneath the River
77 - The Outer Sound Project
78 - Staggered Stasis
79 - Hope Against Hope
80 - Radio Guitar
81 - Ways of The Voice
82 - Gathering
83 - No Mo
84 - Matrikamantra
85 - Face It
86 - Et Glasperlespil
87 - A Sound Map of the Hudson River
88 - Thousand Year Dreaming
89 - Songbird Suite
90 - Fluvial
91 - X-dreams
92 - White Fog
93 - Passagio
94 - OH
95 - Black Narcissus
96 - Sound Characters
97 - Big Science
98 - 90% Post Consumer Sound
99 - Voice is The Original Instrument
100 - Kore Ga Mayaku Da
101 - Redhanded
102 - Musclers Guide to Videotronics
103 - Everyone Alive Wants Answers
104 - Live!
105 - 99c
106 - Lookaftering
107 - Simoom
108 - Broken Channel
109 - Memphis 45s
110 - Secrets of Synthesis
111 - La Maison De Mon Reve
112 - Raw Sangudo
113 - Living Contact
114 - Lepidoptera
115 - Germfree Adolescents
116 - The Lighthouse
117 - Pointy Stunt
118 - A Waters Wake
119 - Voice
120 - Islaja
121 - cd Bea
122 - Thin Air
123 - The Inside-Out Issue
124 - Second Chronology 1936-2003
125 - Audio Letter Remix
126 - Sechs Spiegel
127 - Offertorium
128 - Dissected
129 - Live Convertor/cd cecile
130 - Sampling and Processing a Violin and Different Places in Real Time
131 - Outside In
132 - Selected Recordings
133 - Cikori
134 - The Glass World
135 - For the Blood
136 - The Eye of Horus
137 - Ancient Past and the Ancient Future Are Both Seconds Away
138 - Exchanges from the Guitars Project
139 - Both
140 - Live in Asheville, NC
141 - Hold Against Etc
142 - Angel Eye Deal
143 - Enter the Western Wedding Ring
144 - Curandera
145 - Untitled
146 - Auto Videographie
147 - De Cardiac Bass
148 - cd eb + flo
149 - Licht Himmel
150 - Bridget Hayden
151 - Truly Kaput
152 - On Air
153 - institutional collaborative
154 - cd dd
155 - Plain Whorl
156 - You Don't Love Me Yet
157 - Radio Cycle Mappings
158 - Do you really wanna?
159 - The Wedding House
160 - Sound. Soundcd no.1
161 - Energy Field
162 - Ear Walking Woman: Ground of Being: Floating World
163 - Freeshow Seymour Presents
164 - Ovo
165 - Perpetuum Mobile
166 - Ricordi indelebili
167 - unsound03>
168 - Source: music of the avant garde
169 - PowerShovel Audio
170 - cadavre exquis
171 - Fluxus Suite/Mieko Shiomi: A Musical dictionary of 80 people around Fluxus
172 - Music with Roots in the Aether: Opera for Television by Robert Ashley
173 - Oramics: Atlantis Anew
174 - Ectoplasm-girls: The world of two sisters where symbols of death and despair rule
176 - High on ESP/Buffalo Love
177 - AD 72
178 - O
179 - The High Horse Zeitung
182 - Rhythm King and her Friends
184 - Unidentified Minidiscs
Expand 4 - Moving Image4 - Moving Image
5 - Archive Documentation
6 - Her Noise Archive information
7 - Text for wall panels
8 - Archive Catalogue
Expand 2 - Emma Hedditch - We're Alive, Lets Meet!2 - Emma Hedditch - We're Alive, Lets Meet!
Expand 3 - Christina Kubisch - Security3 - Christina Kubisch - Security
Expand 4 - Hayley Newman - Miniflux4 - Hayley Newman - Miniflux
Expand 5 - Kim Gordon & Jutta Koether5 - Kim Gordon & Jutta Koether
Expand 6 - Kaffe Matthews - Sonic Bed6 - Kaffe Matthews - Sonic Bed
Expand 7 - Marina Rosenfeld - Emotional Orchestra7 - Marina Rosenfeld - Emotional Orchestra
Expand 2 - Performances2 - Performances
Expand 3 - Gallery Documentation3 - Gallery Documentation
Expand 4 - Press & Publicity4 - Press & Publicity
Expand 3 - Associated Events3 - Associated Events