Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse SK - Stanley Kubrick ArchiveSK - Stanley Kubrick Archive
Expand 1 - General Business and Personal Materials1 - General Business and Personal Materials
Expand 2 - Look Magazine2 - Look Magazine
3 - Mr. Lincoln
Expand 4 - Documentary Shorts4 - Documentary Shorts
Expand 5 - Fear and Desire5 - Fear and Desire
Expand 6 - Killer's Kiss6 - Killer's Kiss
Expand 7 - The Killing7 - The Killing
Expand 8 - Paths of Glory8 - Paths of Glory
Expand 9 - Spartacus9 - Spartacus
Expand 10 - Lolita10 - Lolita
Expand 11 - Dr Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb11 - Dr Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Expand 12 - 2001: A Space Odyssey12 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
Collapse 13 - Clockwork Orange13 - Clockwork Orange
Expand 1 - Development - Scripts1 - Development - Scripts
Expand 2 - Pre-production2 - Pre-production
Expand 3 - Production3 - Production
Expand 4 - Post-production4 - Post-production
Expand 5 - Distribution5 - Distribution
Expand 6 - Exploitation and Publicity6 - Exploitation and Publicity
Expand 7 - Responses and awards7 - Responses and awards
Collapse 8 - Indexed papers and letters8 - Indexed papers and letters
Expand 1 - A-Z file sequence - publicity 11 - A-Z file sequence - publicity 1
Expand 2 - A-Z file sequence - publicity 22 - A-Z file sequence - publicity 2
Collapse 3 - A-Z file sequence - general 13 - A-Z file sequence - general 1
1 - Abacus
2 - Ad[vertisement] campaigns - to Friday Dec 31
3 - Ad[vertisement]s London
Expand 4 - Ad[vertisement]s music press4 - Ad[vertisement]s music press
5 - Allardyce-Hamp[shire]
6 - Ballantine - follow up
7 - Ban it
8 - Baumohl, [Michael]
9 - Boyd, Joe
10 - British Board of Film Censors - x certificate
11 - Buchanan, Tom
12 - Bulgaria
13 - Burgess, [Anthony]
14 - Censorship - Alberta - British Columbia
15 - Censorship - Canada
16 - Censorship - Mexico
17 - Censorship - USA -obscenity
18 - Censorship - Victoria - British Columbia - decide not to ban Clockwork Orange
19 - Column items - caption
20 - Congratulations
22 - Clockwork Orange - Detroit
23 - Clockwork Orange - English spotting script
24 - Correspondence - Japan
25 - Correspondence - record
26 - Correspondence - Spanish
27 - Denton Hall [and] Burgin
29 - Dubbing budgets
30 - Editors set breakdown
31 - Field men
38 - Filmfex
39 - Foreign versions
40 - Greenfield, Leo - incoming
41 - Greenfield, Leo - outgoing
42 - Heinz, Richard
43 - Jaffe, [Mr A]
44 - Japan censor
45 - Katz [Norman] -file
46 - Katz, [Norman] - follow-up
47 - Katz, [Norman] - titles
48 - Leader - incoming
49 - Lederer, [Richard] - outgoing
50 - Lewin, [David]
51 - London - budget - ad[vertisements]
52 - Ma, Richard
53 - McDowell, [Malcolm]
54 - Morales, Pete
55 - Museum of Modern Art
56 - Peck, Sy
57 - Phone conv[ersation] - dubbing
58 - Publicity - Italy
59 - Provincial press
60 - Quotes - feb[ruary] - telex - summary
61 - Release script
62 - Reply to Hechinger - New York Times
63 - Reports - Schulz, Harry
64 - Sales - Italy
65 - Schwartz, Emmanuel
66 - Screenings
67 - Senior, Julian
69 - Sight and Sound
70 - Skinner, BF
71 - Sound equipment
72 - Souvenir book
73 - Staudte, [Wolfgang] - outgoing correspondence
74 - Stern, Aaron, Dr
75 - Strand
76 - Stuttgart
77 - Theaters [sic. theatres]
78 - Titles - Italy
79 - Title - registration
80 - Trailer - Pablo
81 - Travel
82 - Underground
83 - USA ad[vertisements] budgets
84 - USA budgets TV trailer
85 - Violence - Times article
86 - Weiner, Don - Miami
87 - Weinraub, [Bernard] - New York Times
88 - Wells, Frank
89 - Williamson, P
Expand 4 - A-Z file sequence - general 24 - A-Z file sequence - general 2
Expand 5 - Letters5 - Letters
Expand 6 - Fan Letters6 - Fan Letters
Expand 7 - Breaks7 - Breaks
8 - 'Clockwork Awards'
Expand 9 - Photographs and slides9 - Photographs and slides
Expand 10 - Financial papers10 - Financial papers
Expand 14 - Barry Lyndon14 - Barry Lyndon
Expand 15 - The Shining15 - The Shining
Expand 16 - Full Metal Jacket16 - Full Metal Jacket
Expand 17 - Eyes Wide Shut17 - Eyes Wide Shut
Expand 18 - Unfinished Projects18 - Unfinished Projects
Expand 19 - Documentaries19 - Documentaries