Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse UAL - University of the Arts London Institutional ArchiveUAL - University of the Arts London Institutional Archive
Expand 1 - Institutional Formation, Governance and Administration1 - Institutional Formation, Governance and Administration
Expand 2 - Academic Governance2 - Academic Governance
Expand 3 - Library Services3 - Library Services
Collapse 4 - Estates and Property Holdings4 - Estates and Property Holdings
Expand 1 - Estates Plans1 - Estates Plans
Collapse 2 - Estates Administration2 - Estates Administration
Expand 1 - London Institute Estates Administration1 - London Institute Estates Administration
Expand 2 - Camberwell College of Art Estates Administration2 - Camberwell College of Art Estates Administration
Expand 3 - Central St. Martins Estates Administration3 - Central St. Martins Estates Administration
Expand 4 - Chelsea School of Art Estates Administration4 - Chelsea School of Art Estates Administration
Collapse 5 - London College of Communication Estates Administration5 - London College of Communication Estates Administration
1 - London Institute; now College for Distributive Trades Annexe
2 - College of Distributive Trades; 104-109 Charing Cross Road; Westminster; Transformer Sub Stn Site L.E.B.
3 - National College of Food Technology (College for the Distributive Trades) Annexe at Eagle Court
4 - College for the Distributive Trades Annexe at Eagle Court
5 - College for the Distributive Trades New Site Proposals
6 - London Institute; London College of Printing
7 - London Institute, L.C. of Printing, Clerkenwell
8 - College for the Distributive Trades Additional accommodation 29/30, Leicester Square, 15 Charing Cross Rd, W.C.2 Vol II
9 - College for the Distributive Trades; 41, Britton Street, Islington EC1; Exchange of Lands with LBI and dedication of Land
10 - College for the Distributive Trades; Eagle Court Annexe Admin Papers
Collapse 11 - 29/30 Leicester Square + 15 Charing Cross Road Westminster 11 - 29/30 Leicester Square + 15 Charing Cross Road Westminster
12 - College for the Distributive Trades Eagle Court Annexe Islington
13 - College for the Distributive Trades 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floors, 6-9 Brisett Street, Islington EC1, lease to the Council
14 - London Institute London College for D & T
15 - London Institute College of Distributive trades WC2; First Floor Landseer house leasehold
16 - London College of Printing London Institute Water Meter Phase 2
17 - National College of Food Technology; Letting of Eagle Court & Laysterne School; Finsbury Islington
18 - London Institute D.T. College 29/30 Leicester Sq.
19 - College of Distributive Trades, Eagle Court
20 - College for the Distributive Trades Westminster, 42 Britton St.
Expand 6 - London College of Fashion Estates Administration6 - London College of Fashion Estates Administration
Expand 5 - Communications and Marketing5 - Communications and Marketing
Expand 6 - Student Services6 - Student Services
Expand 7 - Student Union7 - Student Union
Expand 8 - Student Exhibitions, Works and Publications8 - Student Exhibitions, Works and Publications
Expand 9 - Pedagogy and Research Platforms9 - Pedagogy and Research Platforms
10 - Careers Service
Expand OH - 'Institutional Memory Project' Oral History ProgrammeOH - 'Institutional Memory Project' Oral History Programme